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Seem to be stuck on a infinite loading screen on 25.0.0apk exiting the "P" and "K" fight when going to rescue Juleon in the dungeon. Cant get past that loading screen. 

I was having the same problom on PC after I upgraded to windows 10 I was able to load past the part that got stuck.

lost old save data from previous versions... cant load past.

(1 edit)

I’m stuck on this part to


i think ... one of the updates... i'm hoping to see better way to save the game. i struggled when i started playing the 3rd time..


need ability to make text bigger. playing on a windows tablet,the text is really small.

Hi, is there a demo download for Macs?


is there a walkthrough??

i really hope so, cause i kinda didnt get the game and/or the game is too short

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well, the game finishes without any dating or anything. so is that the whole game or am i missing something. that is why i asked for a walkthrough

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Game freezes everytime i load into a battle and stuck in the loading screen plz help


Why are the updates so short

When I fight the wolf mage I die and the game locks up and freezes. Did anyone else have this problem

Hi, what version / operating system are you running?


windows 7 all version I tried got stuck there the android version worked so it may just be my laptop. I don't have a lot of ram in my laptop only 4gb I'm guessing that may be the problem. 

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this game is Amazing ! rein and gear are my favorites! hope we can develope their romance and more in the futur.  Sometime apk version bug about the size of the menu,we can't see every characters and every dunjons . That's not a big problem to play and finish this game! thanks you for your work!

Hey UncommonBreedVN can u say when will be the next update?

There's an update at the end of every month.


Hello. I just bought your game today and I wanted to stop by and thank you for your work on it. I also have some criticism if that's okay...

... Can you balance the combat a bit? I know you're working on a lot, but I think it's important. The combat is too random. In some fights, I completely obliterate the enemy, and in some, I get decimated; and those two results can happen for the exact same fight (same enemy). This happens because in some turns, the enemy will use a move that Silences all my characters (skips their turn) and there will be 3 enemies that can do this, so I get damaged down and multiple characters will die in one turn. After that it's over. As a result, I feel like I have very little control over battle results and there is not much strategy involved in the combat.

There are a couple of bugs:
1- If 2 silences get stacked on the entire party, the game gets stuck skipping their turns over and over.
2- Saving before going into the "Beer Mug Menu" (where I can go to dungeons, chat with characters, and check stats and quests) sometimes if I load back into the last save, it will actually go to the checkpoint as if my save was ignored/corrupted/deleted. Sometimes if I get a game over and go to load this happens as well. This never happens if I save, make a dialogue choice, then load back, so no problems there.

I love the storylines with each character. Great writing.


Thanks for the detailed feedback. I've been tinkering with the combat system and your feedback helps me think of ways to improve it. I'll look into the bugs as well. 


Thank you for your work!


Bought this two days ago. Played a few hours and I'm not impressed. The mediocre sprite art mixed with poor writing and a bland and difficult combat system makes this game seem more of a troll than an actual commited visual novel. Save yourself 5 dollars by not buying the game :P


I just bought and downloaded the game but it's not opening up. It gives me a pop up of "this application cannot be opened". I'm on MacOS. Just updated the OS today so there may be something conflicting that won't let me open

your game is amazing on PC ps is android version bugged because it does not matter what  i do it seems to not load the battle part properly everything else is working properly just the battle mechanics is not working  please help ps  is their away to transfer pc windows save files to android. 

Hi! Your game is so beautiful! I love story . It's possible to have a romance with rain,gear and grizz?. I'm so happy, every characters are so cute! Have a nice day! See you later. 

For some reason when I try to open the application it simply says : "Cannot be opened" has anyone else run into this problem? If so is there a way to fix it? This seems like a great game and I really want to try it

Hey, what version are you trying to run? Osx?

Yeah. I have a mac so i figured it was the right one

Sorry about the trouble. After some research it seems this has to do with mac permissions and unknown apps. There are two ways I've found that may solve the problem. The first is following the steps on Mac's site here:

If the issue is mac opening an unknown app then this should fix it. 

If it is a different permission bug then we may need to try what is suggested by another game's users (except replace every instance of the word "Karlson" with "osx_22" assuming you're running version 22):

Here are the instructions from the above link with the word Karlson replaced with the build name of uncommon breed: osx_22.

"Managed to make it work.

Right click on the .app file (aka the game), click on "Show Package Content", it will open a Finder window, browse to Content -> MacOS.

Open the terminal and type "cd " (include the " "), then drag & drop the file inside the Finder windows (it will be a file with a white icon called osx_22).

At this point you will see a kind of long command, erase the word "osx_22" from the end of the command. (All of this is done to navigate to the same directory that Finder is in, but using the terminal.

Now type "chmod +x osx_22"

In case you see an error like "permission denied" try to use "sudo chmod +x osx_22", in this case you will be asked to enter the admin password.

Now type ./osx_22 and the game should start!

If it doesen't because of the Apple security thing,  open "System Preferences", click "Security & Privacy", make sure to be in the "General" tab. At the bottom of the window you will see a button saying something like "Open Anyway", and red somewhere the name osx_22 and the reason why it has been blocked (aka being downloaded from the Internet).

Now the game opens and runs!"

Let me know if this fixes the issue!

So it did not work, but it did give me a new kind of error. Apparently the game "is not supported on this kind of mac" I will attempt to find a work around for this problem.


awwww.... and once again i cried at a vn game... damn.. my poor heart.... why all bears is so prone to depression (including me).... oh grizz.... that poor daddy bear.

(1 edit)

so I downloaded the Mac Zip and ran it through an extractor but it keeps giving me an error saying it can't be viewed???? and it doesn't open on its own either.. I don't know if maybe am doing something wrong but an help would be really appreciated!! 

update: tired three other unzip apps and they all say format not supported... 

Hey would it be possible to post a screenshot of the error? I'm wondering if this is the same bug posted above ( "Cannot be opened").

sure, Give me a sec and I’ll post it here

Sorry about the trouble. After some research it seems this has to do with mac permissions and unknown apps. There are two ways I've found that may solve the problem. The first is following the steps on Mac's site here:

If the issue is mac opening an unknown app then this should fix it. 

If it is a different permission bug then we may need to try what is suggested by another game's users (except replace every instance of the word "Karlson" with "osx_22" assuming you're running version 22):

Here are the instructions from the above link with the word Karlson replaced with the build name of uncommon breed: osx_22.

"Managed to make it work.

Right click on the .app file (aka the game), click on "Show Package Content", it will open a Finder window, browse to Content -> MacOS.

Open the terminal and type "cd " (include the " "), then drag & drop the file inside the Finder windows (it will be a file with a white icon called osx_22).

At this point you will see a kind of long command, erase the word "osx_22" from the end of the command. (All of this is done to navigate to the same directory that Finder is in, but using the terminal.

Now type "chmod +x osx_22"

In case you see an error like "permission denied" try to use "sudo chmod +x osx_22", in this case you will be asked to enter the admin password.

Now type ./osx_22 and the game should start!

If it doesen't because of the Apple security thing,  open "System Preferences", click "Security & Privacy", make sure to be in the "General" tab. At the bottom of the window you will see a button saying something like "Open Anyway", and red somewhere the name osx_22 and the reason why it has been blocked (aka being downloaded from the Internet).

Now the game opens and runs!"

Let me know if this fixes the issue

i am struggling to figure this out... ive gotten to the command (( i think anyways)) but it just looks like a huge page of code and I can't really ready any of it, let alone find the one little section that says OS X_22... ive tried everything i could with this and i cant seem to figure it out, maybe im doing something wrong... and since trying to do this my computer seems to be running really slow, lagging behind what I'm typing. I hate to say it but I think I'm just going to take this as a loss and stop frustrating myself over it. thank you so much for trying to help though! and if you ever get It working please let me know, id still love to play it if possible 

much love and support!


Just bought the game. While I'm still looking forward to the final version, I honestly hope something will be done in regards to the combat sections. To be honest, they're just a slog to go through and quite unfun (also, poorly balanced). It totally broke the flow of the game... I'm looking forward to what the team is aiming to do but I hope that, if the combat stays, there's at least an option to skip it so that people can enjoy it for the story purely

keep up the good work

I have a question, is the last update only for patreons? I don't know which one I'm downloading since the last file says "18 days ago" :(


The newest file is the 18 day old one. I just posted a log about it really late. Sorry for the confusion :) 

Oh okay, thank you!

Last update 80 days ago. Is this dead?

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Yea and when I checked it it said last update was 80 days ago...and?

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Im stuck, in the riddle, i clicked on the Bar icon and now i can't advance, and my last save is really back in the game :(

Can someone say when will be the next update released?

For some reason my cursor is a little diagonally lower than where the click is actually interpreted. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

I cant enter The name of P at the riddle. Is it on Purpose or is it a Bug?

Is this a finished game?

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only thing i have to say aboutupdate  I just got is that at the end of gear's day, when they blow up shaft, it says 'end of julien's path' or whatevere. love the game tho, keep up the good work

only a picture of what looks like a dungeon pops up when i open tiger game. Cant do anything. nothing happens

When I go to the downloads, all show version 19 apart from Windows which is version 15 (from Nov 2019) :/

To be honest,I would pay and buy one if I can use paypal or I have credit card


Is this game a SCAM like Blackgate?

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I wouldn't say a scam but he barely does any content albeit way more than bane does on blackgate. The days in this are very short and most of the writing is lackluster. He just made a sex scene with the lion but I feel even that was kinda short. He focuses way to much on the gaming element and doesn't write enough story. The days are like 2 minutes of story for a months load of work. I'm being hard on this vn cause I care about the characters in this vn and want it to improve. I kinda wish he would drop the fighting elements and just make it a actual vn giving him more time into making a more lengthy story.


also the character relationships feel incredibly rushed


So does this game have only 1 sex scene?


yes it was just put in and it's very short


I honestly completely agree, this game has a lot of potential and I'm really hoping with time it becomes better..


he honestly needs to drop the battle mechanics and increase story, days are way to short

Development log hasn't been updated in 95 days so can't even tell what's going on


Just noticed that it updated to version 18.... what was the update about? can't see it at the dev log

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